Thursday, September 28, 2006

GM and Renault/Nissan come back into the forefront, continuing talks

There's been a lot of buzz in the air distracting us from the proposed alliance between General Motors and Renault/Nissan, including talk about a GM alliance with Ford, purported "lukewarm feelings" within the ranks at GM about becoming aligned with the French-Japanese powerhouse, and even GM looking for cash as part of the deal.

Not to worry.

GM and Renault/Nissan have clambered back up to the forefront with a press release distributed this morning, stating that talks are still happening and the possibility of a merger is still under consideration.

GM chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner and Renault/Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn met today with the Paris Motor Show as their backdrop, hinting that a decision could be made in as early as three weeks. The two sides said in today's statements that GM, Nissan and Renault will continue to explore "how an alliance could generate significant shareholder value for each company."

[Source: Automotive News]


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