Sunday, January 24, 2010

Update to Ron Pratte post, the Darryl Gwynn Foundation

As has become a common and admirable occurance at Barrett Jackson auctions, Darryl Gwynn auctions off a remakable historic racecar, Ron buys it, offers it at auction again, it was bought by another collector who matched Ron's generosity, and was bought by a third collector who says it'll be for auction again soon.

Why the buy and sell, and the Gwynn connection? All of the money for the sale of Gwynn's vehicles go directly to the Foundation, with no auction fees, and everyone realizes that this astonishing generosity is to be applauded and continued by some who can afford it. Financially it may be a tax thing, but when over a half a million goes to a kids charity, I dare anyone to pick a bone with it. Respect, applaud, repeat.

For the full story and details:

For the post about the collector and philanthopist Ron Pratte:


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