Thursday, January 27, 2011

Russian Customizer Turns a Jaguar into a GAZ-21 Lookalike

Previously on Carscoop, we�ve seen Pontiac Fieros turned into �Fierarris�, Toyota Soarers adorned with Mercedes-Benzes off cuts and some others too hideous to even mention. For the most part, it�s a case of turning a boring, mainstream car into something that resembles a high-priced exotic if you�re squinting through grease paper with the sun in your eyes and have lost a lot of blood.

What you rarely see is something exotic transformed into something that some people would call mundane. That�d just be silly. Never to be one to shy away from a challenge, the Russians have done just that: taken a Jag and turned it into a GAZ.

Originally this car was a 1993 Jaguar XJ40 with an automatic transmission and a 3.2 L V6. Its exterior has been adorned with the grille, head- and taillights, unique side vents and boot emblem from a �70s Volga. It�s not quite in the same league as the BMW 6-series derived Volga V8 Roadster or the Porsche Cayenne-based �Lenin-mobile�, but it�s still an impressive transformation.


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