07-13 01:56 PM
I agree with gdilla,
The common factor among all these unsuccessful stories is that all of them have degrees from a foreign university (not Canadian or US degree). I am sure it will be different for people who live in the US and have work experience from a US company. Also people who come directly to Canada from their country have culture shock. That is normal for people who haven't traveled out side their country before. But if you lived in the US, society and culture in Canada will not be that different
Again, everybody has to do their own DD before they pack their stuff and immigrate. That is just common sense
This is the most ridiculous article I've ever seen.
"I should have done my own homework before I applied" - no $hit. What makes you think going to med school in Indian means jack in Canada or the US. You have to get board certified. Duh. And I'm afraid cold calling doesn't work anywhere, including the US... does this work in India? Of course they're not going to listen to you. Jeez. People not doing their due diligence before THEY PACK UP AND MOVE HALF WAY ROUND the world... yeah, that proves to me you are smart enough to hire.
[QUOTE=sankap]Here's an article that appeared in Outlook (India) magazine 8 years ago. Apparently, the situation hasn't changed much since then:
Canada...The Grass Isn't Greener
Outlook: Jan 25, 1999
It's a dream gone sour. Thousands of Indian immigrants who land up in Canada are, more often than not, greeted with unemployment, racism, culture shocks...
"I didn't come here to be a chowkidar. I came here believing it to be a land of opportunity; a country that has never known the nepotism, the corruption, the shortages of India. I find I have only substituted one country for another... certainly not one set of values for another, as I hoped. " For Dr Gurdial Singh Dhillon, who was made to believe his qualifications would land him a good job fast, Canada was a real disappointment. When he did find work, it was that of a security guard. This, when the United Nations has declared Canada the best country to live in.
Some 200,000 people migrate to Canada every year, a majority from Asia. Hong Kong heads the list, followed by India, China, Taiwan and the Philippines. According to the Citizenship & Immigration Canada report, 21,249 Indians migrated to Canada in 1996 alone. (The high commission in Delhi, however, put the figure at 17,682). For many of them, especially those who are qualified professionals, dreams die fast. The life they face is never quite as rosy as made out by money-raking immigration lawyers.
Is the UN report the only reason for the increase in Indian applications for immigration? That, and the fact that it is easier to get entry into Canada than any other western country, says a Delhi-based immigration lawyer. Also, the fastest way of getting immigration to the US is through Canada.
Dhillon's disappointment is echoed by others. "I should have done my own homework before I applied", rues Aparna Shirodhkar, an architect from Mumbai, working as a saleswoman in a department store. "My husband is unemployed. I am the sole earner for a family of four. Sometimes I feel like running back". For Raheela Wasim, who's gone from being a schoolteacher in India to a telemarketer here, the experience was very discouraging, very disheartening. "I started losing confidence in myself. I felt I was not capable of the job market here".
Jobs are the sore point with Indian immigrants. The irony is, they are often more qualified than their Canadian peers, yet they end up with either no work, or with entry-level jobs that have no future. "I was not told that you require a Canadian degree to get a job here", says Paramjeet Parmar, a postgraduate in biochemistry from Bombay University. Parmar works as a telemarketer, which has turned her from an elite professional to an unskilled, daily wage labourer.
Ditto Opinder Khosla, a mechanical engineer from India, who has ended up as a salesman. "I found it difficult to even get an interview call", he says. The Canadian authorities are non-committal about the social and economic devaluation that the country imposes on immigrants.
"You can't come thinking you can just walk in and get a job in your profession", says Isabel Basset, minister of citizenship, culture and recreation, responsible for handling immigrants' woes in Canada's largest province, Ontario. But she admits that the licensing bodies regulating the professions need to be more accepting of people trained elsewhere.
That effort could only come from the government, argues Demetrius Oriopolis, co-author of Access, a government-commissioned report on assessing qualifications of newcomers, a 10-year-old report whose recommendations have still to be implemented. The report suggests certain rules of equivalence should be made binding on the regulatory bodies, which are exclusionist by nature.
But Basset won't even hear of making the regulatory bodies accountable: "We believe in private enterprise with a minimum of government checks. Besides, she argues, the exercise would cost millions of dollars".
Needless to say, the organisations are gleeful. Only professional bodies have the ability to determine what constitutes competence in a particular profession, was the cold response of the spokesperson for the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, an institution that's responsible for the unemployment as well as under-employment of hundreds of qualified chartered accountants from India. They do not grant licences for professional practice, because Indian qualifications are not acceptable.
"What kind of society are we creating? Is it a new form of slavery?" asks an irate Bhausaheb Ubale, Canada's former human rights commissioner. Qualified immigrants work as drivers, guards. If this isn't job discrimination, what is? Dr Ubale lobbied intensely before Indians were accepted in the media. They now hold jobs as reporters and anchors, he says, but a lot more has to be done.
While skilled men may not be able to find jobs, their less qualified wives find it easier because they accept whatever comes their way. In several cases, the wives earn and support their husbands who are busy upgrading themselves, by studying for a Canadian degree. The working wife sometimes slogs away at three jobs. Sumitra starts at 7 am at her first job, teaching immigrants English; her second job as telemarketer starts at 4 pm. She gets back home around 8 pm, after which she begins selling cosmetics and household goods door to door. Till midnight. Sumitra supports three students, her husband and two school-going children.
The other problems Indians face here are the high taxes, high mortgage payments for new homes and the sort of hidebound laws that the benign anarchy back home hardly prepares them for. "You can't run a red light, you can't escape from a hit-and-run site even if you are just the witness, you can't smoke in public. Too many rules, so different from home", says Harminder Singh.
Two 'Indian' practices that do exist here, however, cause immigrants the maximum trouble. They are sifarish baazi (nepotism) and mufat ka kaam (free work). The Canadians, of course, have given them sophisticated terminologies, the former is referred to as 'networking' and the latter, 'volunteerism'. In a country where you are never encouraged to 'drop in' to meet someone, where the fax, the computer or the phone is used to complete most transactions, a job-seeking immigrant often has the phone put down on him. Polite but firm secretaries block access, unless the caller can drop a magic name that can help him gain entry. It takes at least a year for even the most enterprising immigrant to get to know somebody who can help him, before he can get a job at all.
'Networking' goes hand in hand with 'volunteerism'. Many immigrants put in a year of free service before they are given the job. Most writers and anchors of Asian origin are given only part-time jobs, paid by assignment and with no fringe benefits. The company insists on the word 'freelance' on their business cards, to make it clear they have not been hired by the company, and hence can't demand higher pay or any benefits. They can, and often are, fired at will.
Perhaps the greatest problem in Canada is the one that is least articulated--racism. According to a diversity report on Toronto (said to be the most ethnically diverse city in the world), the year 2000 will see its minority becoming its majority that is, 54 per cent of Toronto's population by the end of the millennium will be non-Whites. Keeping that in mind, it warned, if the discrimination against them in education, employment, income and housing, or incidents of hate are not addressed, it will lead to a growing sense of frustration.
"All our problems exist because of racism", sums up Anita Ferrao, who works in a firm. Anita has worked for them for three years and has got neither promotion nor raise. "As an Indian immigrant, you can never reach the top. They'll see to that. It's better to bring in some money here and start a business. It's the only way you'll do well here and be respected. "
But then if life is so tough here, why do people give up everything back home and come? The answer is the rosy picture of North America, inculcated right from childhood. Everything 'American' is considered superior. Better food, better homes, better life.
The common factor among all these unsuccessful stories is that all of them have degrees from a foreign university (not Canadian or US degree). I am sure it will be different for people who live in the US and have work experience from a US company. Also people who come directly to Canada from their country have culture shock. That is normal for people who haven't traveled out side their country before. But if you lived in the US, society and culture in Canada will not be that different
Again, everybody has to do their own DD before they pack their stuff and immigrate. That is just common sense
This is the most ridiculous article I've ever seen.
"I should have done my own homework before I applied" - no $hit. What makes you think going to med school in Indian means jack in Canada or the US. You have to get board certified. Duh. And I'm afraid cold calling doesn't work anywhere, including the US... does this work in India? Of course they're not going to listen to you. Jeez. People not doing their due diligence before THEY PACK UP AND MOVE HALF WAY ROUND the world... yeah, that proves to me you are smart enough to hire.
[QUOTE=sankap]Here's an article that appeared in Outlook (India) magazine 8 years ago. Apparently, the situation hasn't changed much since then:
Canada...The Grass Isn't Greener
Outlook: Jan 25, 1999
It's a dream gone sour. Thousands of Indian immigrants who land up in Canada are, more often than not, greeted with unemployment, racism, culture shocks...
"I didn't come here to be a chowkidar. I came here believing it to be a land of opportunity; a country that has never known the nepotism, the corruption, the shortages of India. I find I have only substituted one country for another... certainly not one set of values for another, as I hoped. " For Dr Gurdial Singh Dhillon, who was made to believe his qualifications would land him a good job fast, Canada was a real disappointment. When he did find work, it was that of a security guard. This, when the United Nations has declared Canada the best country to live in.
Some 200,000 people migrate to Canada every year, a majority from Asia. Hong Kong heads the list, followed by India, China, Taiwan and the Philippines. According to the Citizenship & Immigration Canada report, 21,249 Indians migrated to Canada in 1996 alone. (The high commission in Delhi, however, put the figure at 17,682). For many of them, especially those who are qualified professionals, dreams die fast. The life they face is never quite as rosy as made out by money-raking immigration lawyers.
Is the UN report the only reason for the increase in Indian applications for immigration? That, and the fact that it is easier to get entry into Canada than any other western country, says a Delhi-based immigration lawyer. Also, the fastest way of getting immigration to the US is through Canada.
Dhillon's disappointment is echoed by others. "I should have done my own homework before I applied", rues Aparna Shirodhkar, an architect from Mumbai, working as a saleswoman in a department store. "My husband is unemployed. I am the sole earner for a family of four. Sometimes I feel like running back". For Raheela Wasim, who's gone from being a schoolteacher in India to a telemarketer here, the experience was very discouraging, very disheartening. "I started losing confidence in myself. I felt I was not capable of the job market here".
Jobs are the sore point with Indian immigrants. The irony is, they are often more qualified than their Canadian peers, yet they end up with either no work, or with entry-level jobs that have no future. "I was not told that you require a Canadian degree to get a job here", says Paramjeet Parmar, a postgraduate in biochemistry from Bombay University. Parmar works as a telemarketer, which has turned her from an elite professional to an unskilled, daily wage labourer.
Ditto Opinder Khosla, a mechanical engineer from India, who has ended up as a salesman. "I found it difficult to even get an interview call", he says. The Canadian authorities are non-committal about the social and economic devaluation that the country imposes on immigrants.
"You can't come thinking you can just walk in and get a job in your profession", says Isabel Basset, minister of citizenship, culture and recreation, responsible for handling immigrants' woes in Canada's largest province, Ontario. But she admits that the licensing bodies regulating the professions need to be more accepting of people trained elsewhere.
That effort could only come from the government, argues Demetrius Oriopolis, co-author of Access, a government-commissioned report on assessing qualifications of newcomers, a 10-year-old report whose recommendations have still to be implemented. The report suggests certain rules of equivalence should be made binding on the regulatory bodies, which are exclusionist by nature.
But Basset won't even hear of making the regulatory bodies accountable: "We believe in private enterprise with a minimum of government checks. Besides, she argues, the exercise would cost millions of dollars".
Needless to say, the organisations are gleeful. Only professional bodies have the ability to determine what constitutes competence in a particular profession, was the cold response of the spokesperson for the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, an institution that's responsible for the unemployment as well as under-employment of hundreds of qualified chartered accountants from India. They do not grant licences for professional practice, because Indian qualifications are not acceptable.
"What kind of society are we creating? Is it a new form of slavery?" asks an irate Bhausaheb Ubale, Canada's former human rights commissioner. Qualified immigrants work as drivers, guards. If this isn't job discrimination, what is? Dr Ubale lobbied intensely before Indians were accepted in the media. They now hold jobs as reporters and anchors, he says, but a lot more has to be done.
While skilled men may not be able to find jobs, their less qualified wives find it easier because they accept whatever comes their way. In several cases, the wives earn and support their husbands who are busy upgrading themselves, by studying for a Canadian degree. The working wife sometimes slogs away at three jobs. Sumitra starts at 7 am at her first job, teaching immigrants English; her second job as telemarketer starts at 4 pm. She gets back home around 8 pm, after which she begins selling cosmetics and household goods door to door. Till midnight. Sumitra supports three students, her husband and two school-going children.
The other problems Indians face here are the high taxes, high mortgage payments for new homes and the sort of hidebound laws that the benign anarchy back home hardly prepares them for. "You can't run a red light, you can't escape from a hit-and-run site even if you are just the witness, you can't smoke in public. Too many rules, so different from home", says Harminder Singh.
Two 'Indian' practices that do exist here, however, cause immigrants the maximum trouble. They are sifarish baazi (nepotism) and mufat ka kaam (free work). The Canadians, of course, have given them sophisticated terminologies, the former is referred to as 'networking' and the latter, 'volunteerism'. In a country where you are never encouraged to 'drop in' to meet someone, where the fax, the computer or the phone is used to complete most transactions, a job-seeking immigrant often has the phone put down on him. Polite but firm secretaries block access, unless the caller can drop a magic name that can help him gain entry. It takes at least a year for even the most enterprising immigrant to get to know somebody who can help him, before he can get a job at all.
'Networking' goes hand in hand with 'volunteerism'. Many immigrants put in a year of free service before they are given the job. Most writers and anchors of Asian origin are given only part-time jobs, paid by assignment and with no fringe benefits. The company insists on the word 'freelance' on their business cards, to make it clear they have not been hired by the company, and hence can't demand higher pay or any benefits. They can, and often are, fired at will.
Perhaps the greatest problem in Canada is the one that is least articulated--racism. According to a diversity report on Toronto (said to be the most ethnically diverse city in the world), the year 2000 will see its minority becoming its majority that is, 54 per cent of Toronto's population by the end of the millennium will be non-Whites. Keeping that in mind, it warned, if the discrimination against them in education, employment, income and housing, or incidents of hate are not addressed, it will lead to a growing sense of frustration.
"All our problems exist because of racism", sums up Anita Ferrao, who works in a firm. Anita has worked for them for three years and has got neither promotion nor raise. "As an Indian immigrant, you can never reach the top. They'll see to that. It's better to bring in some money here and start a business. It's the only way you'll do well here and be respected. "
But then if life is so tough here, why do people give up everything back home and come? The answer is the rosy picture of North America, inculcated right from childhood. Everything 'American' is considered superior. Better food, better homes, better life.
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07-30 06:41 PM
Travind I am not close to the family anymore I made the dude so uncomfortable he stopped calling me. Here are some avoidance techniques, but you need to be ballsy to pull them of and never exceed the limits of decency and you must have a sense of timing and humor to do these. I have used these techniques myself for avoidance
1) Stare at his wife or sister and constantly compliment their looks, cooking, chai etc
2) Make lots of sticky notes with their quotes in the meetings and stick it on their walls
3)Break your pencil or pen at the meeting and loudly say cuss words like "shit that is good"
4) Itch nervously when they approach you in any location they will leave you thinking you have some skin disease.
5) Cough without closing your mouth directly in front of their face
6) Wear ghetto clothes when you go to the usual locations they avoid you like the plague (sorry guys who wear kurta with jeans and leather chappals you are the most obvious target)
7) Borrow cd's, dvd's etc and never return them or their calls they are bound to be nice since even in the worst case they are still trying to sell to you.
There are more things to do but i'm guessing some other people will post their experiences , just one word of caution do not extend your torture because these people are human beings who have been proselytized by their diamonds etc that they dont realize and don't worry they will not learn from you.
It is really funny man. I love the points 1, 4,5 & 6. If anything else doesn't bother one, point 1 definitely should. If not, everyone knows what to call that person!!!
1) Stare at his wife or sister and constantly compliment their looks, cooking, chai etc
2) Make lots of sticky notes with their quotes in the meetings and stick it on their walls
3)Break your pencil or pen at the meeting and loudly say cuss words like "shit that is good"
4) Itch nervously when they approach you in any location they will leave you thinking you have some skin disease.
5) Cough without closing your mouth directly in front of their face
6) Wear ghetto clothes when you go to the usual locations they avoid you like the plague (sorry guys who wear kurta with jeans and leather chappals you are the most obvious target)
7) Borrow cd's, dvd's etc and never return them or their calls they are bound to be nice since even in the worst case they are still trying to sell to you.
There are more things to do but i'm guessing some other people will post their experiences , just one word of caution do not extend your torture because these people are human beings who have been proselytized by their diamonds etc that they dont realize and don't worry they will not learn from you.
It is really funny man. I love the points 1, 4,5 & 6. If anything else doesn't bother one, point 1 definitely should. If not, everyone knows what to call that person!!!
07-28 04:15 PM
Hello Sir,
I am in a process of getting name change for my wife on pending I485. This is because her first name is given as 'No Name Given' by USCIS on the I485 file, EAD and A.P. As she did not have first name in passport.
We recently got her name change on passport by adding my(husbands name) as SURNAME. Now we want to refelect this change on EAD and 485.
Sir, can you please let me know the process of amendment to get name change on the file. What applicaton do I need to fill, and what documents should i send with the form. Can I do it on my own or do i have to go thru a lawyer.
Your answer is highly appriciated.
You will have to inform the USCIS by a letter. Do you have an attorney. If not please get in touch with me
I am in a process of getting name change for my wife on pending I485. This is because her first name is given as 'No Name Given' by USCIS on the I485 file, EAD and A.P. As she did not have first name in passport.
We recently got her name change on passport by adding my(husbands name) as SURNAME. Now we want to refelect this change on EAD and 485.
Sir, can you please let me know the process of amendment to get name change on the file. What applicaton do I need to fill, and what documents should i send with the form. Can I do it on my own or do i have to go thru a lawyer.
Your answer is highly appriciated.
You will have to inform the USCIS by a letter. Do you have an attorney. If not please get in touch with me
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02-14 08:22 AM
Looks like endless discussion is going on here..
I think that USCIS has done some injustice with EB3 ROW. And I would like to talk to an attorney about the possibilities to sue the USCIS about this. I need some people with me so that we can better explain our issues and form a group to ease the process.
Please send me PM if you agree with my view and want to go forward.
Looks like endless discussion is going on here..
I think that USCIS has done some injustice with EB3 ROW. And I would like to talk to an attorney about the possibilities to sue the USCIS about this. I need some people with me so that we can better explain our issues and form a group to ease the process.
Please send me PM if you agree with my view and want to go forward.

06-27 08:56 AM
At the beginning of each month, the Visa Office receives a report from each immigrant visa processing post listing totals of documentarily qualified immigrant visa applicants in categories subject to numerical limitation.
Cases are grouped by foreign state chargeability/preference/priority date. No names are reported. During the first week of each month, this documentarily qualified demand is tabulated.
VO subdivides the annual preference and foreign state limitations which are specified by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) into twelve monthly allotments. The totals of documentarily qualified applicants reported to VO, and the expected INS demand for numbers, are compared each month with the numbers available for the next regular allotment. This allows for the determination of the monthly cut-off dates, and the allotment of numbers for reported applicants who have priority dates within the newly established cut-off dates.
If there are sufficient numbers in a particular category to satisfy all reported documentarily qualified demand, the category is considered "current."
From this it is very clear that the number of Visas available for the rest of the FY 07 is enough to accept as many applications as can be approved in those 3 months(July, Aug and Sep).
According to Ombudsmn report a documentarily qualified applicant is an applicant with approved I-485. The ombudsman report is a must read; most of the threads will not pop up if everyone reads them.
The report also says USCIS can not predict these numbers accurately. That is why 10K GCs were wasted last year and 40K were exepected to be wasted this year. They moved PD to avoid the waste.
USCIS knows the exact # of approved 485's before dates moved for June. So they know exactly when 2007 GCs will get exhausted by earlier approved ones, if at all they will get exhausted.
I think they will retrogress dates after using 2008 quota. That is dates will retrogress in Nov/Dec.
We can do some more analysis based on PD for june (which I don't know). What is the date set for June submissions? Thanks!
At the beginning of each month, the Visa Office receives a report from each immigrant visa processing post listing totals of documentarily qualified immigrant visa applicants in categories subject to numerical limitation.
Cases are grouped by foreign state chargeability/preference/priority date. No names are reported. During the first week of each month, this documentarily qualified demand is tabulated.
VO subdivides the annual preference and foreign state limitations which are specified by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) into twelve monthly allotments. The totals of documentarily qualified applicants reported to VO, and the expected INS demand for numbers, are compared each month with the numbers available for the next regular allotment. This allows for the determination of the monthly cut-off dates, and the allotment of numbers for reported applicants who have priority dates within the newly established cut-off dates.
If there are sufficient numbers in a particular category to satisfy all reported documentarily qualified demand, the category is considered "current."
From this it is very clear that the number of Visas available for the rest of the FY 07 is enough to accept as many applications as can be approved in those 3 months(July, Aug and Sep).
According to Ombudsmn report a documentarily qualified applicant is an applicant with approved I-485. The ombudsman report is a must read; most of the threads will not pop up if everyone reads them.
The report also says USCIS can not predict these numbers accurately. That is why 10K GCs were wasted last year and 40K were exepected to be wasted this year. They moved PD to avoid the waste.
USCIS knows the exact # of approved 485's before dates moved for June. So they know exactly when 2007 GCs will get exhausted by earlier approved ones, if at all they will get exhausted.
I think they will retrogress dates after using 2008 quota. That is dates will retrogress in Nov/Dec.
We can do some more analysis based on PD for june (which I don't know). What is the date set for June submissions? Thanks!
02-14 01:01 PM
You may consider it as shameless plug :D, but I want to put this reference as the prove that the lawsuit does work when you deal with the USCIS
10-17 10:12 AM
Hello everyone,
Those of you who had gone thru this process may be able to help me. My 7 year old daughter is a US citizen. If my family applies for Canadian PR, do I have to apply for PR for her also?. I have heard that US citizens do not need any permission to live in Canada. Any insight is appreciated.
Not true. She must be included in the application. US citizens can enter Canada without a visa as a visitor. But to become a PR and live and work up there they need the landed immigrant status (PR) just like everybody else.
And by the way, here is a great forum exclusively for Canadian immigration matters. http://britishexpats.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=33
You guys will get better help in that forum because this one (ImmigrationVoice) is primarily a US immigration forum.
Those of you who had gone thru this process may be able to help me. My 7 year old daughter is a US citizen. If my family applies for Canadian PR, do I have to apply for PR for her also?. I have heard that US citizens do not need any permission to live in Canada. Any insight is appreciated.
Not true. She must be included in the application. US citizens can enter Canada without a visa as a visitor. But to become a PR and live and work up there they need the landed immigrant status (PR) just like everybody else.
And by the way, here is a great forum exclusively for Canadian immigration matters. http://britishexpats.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=33
You guys will get better help in that forum because this one (ImmigrationVoice) is primarily a US immigration forum.
2010 Spring / Summer 2010 season
05-01 05:51 PM
Your statement is uncalled for, his opinion is not from people of UP or Bihar, everwhere people have different opnions, and BTW Nitish Kumar & Mayawati are any day better than Karunanidhi, Vilas Rao Deshmukh & YSR and above all they are a million times better than Maino Antonia whom the whole country voted..... Pandey - I no longer wonder why Mulayam/Mayavati/ Lalu and Paswan rule in UP & Bihar.
07-04 09:47 AM
Anybody who got contact at NPR or anybody who want to take a challenge and work on contacting NPR and telling them about our story.
Sent NPR following:
Dear [Insert Name]
Re: Administration Slams Door on Thousands of Legal Immigrants
Per US DOS July 2007 Visa Bulletin that came out on June 2007, all Employment based categories were going to be "Current" starting from July 2nd. Based on this information, many of legal immigrants like me, with approved labor certifications, worked day and night, spent enormous time and money to prepare our applications for filing Adjustment of status (AOS) application (I-485). This involves, going through a medical checkup, getting shots for required immunizations and paying hundreds of dollars in lawyer fees.
The applications were all ready to be filed but against all odds, DOS issued a notice in the morning on July 2nd, informing that no AOS applications will be accepted. The visa bulletin has basically been revised and no employment based visa numbers are available for any legal worker. It states that visa numbers are no longer available until October 1st when the FY 2008 would start. This is such a waste of so much money and efforts from the legal workers, some of whom were waiting for more than 3 years to file for their AOS applications. They finally saw a hope and prepared themselves, but even before the day came, their hopes were taken away from them. It is amazing how the DOS and USCIS can make such a big mistake in their predictions about the visa number availability.
The visa bulletin for June had moved the visa availability dates (referred to as priority dates) by more than a month for certain categories. A number of applications for AOS were therefore expected to be filed in the month of June. However, DOS still calculated an abundance of visa numbers and therefore moved all the dates for all categories to "current" for July. And now this morning, the visa bulletin has been revised to make visa numbers unavailable to everyone. This does not look right and begs for an investigation. The whole system of generating cut-off dates is not defined and there is every reason to believe that the dates are manipulated to serve certain hidden agendas.
Please do a news story into this matter to help legal workers who are in USA for many years. Some of us have been working in the US for more than 10 years and still do not have permanent residency. We are paying our taxes and are law abiding members of the society. So we request President to intervene in this matter.
If you like more information, please contact me at [email address] or [cell phone no].
We are part of Immigration Voice is a non-profit organization (501 (c) (4) approved) working to alleviate the problems faced by legal high-skilled foreign workers in the United States. We act as an interface between this set of immigrants and the legislative and executive branches of the government. We work towards eliminating procedural hurdles by interfacing with the government branches that formulate policy
US DOS July 2007 Visa Bulletin:
US DOS revised bulletin for July 2007:
Administration Slams Door on Thousands of Legal Immigrants: AILA Condemns Agencies? Bait and Switch
Sent NPR following:
Dear [Insert Name]
Re: Administration Slams Door on Thousands of Legal Immigrants
Per US DOS July 2007 Visa Bulletin that came out on June 2007, all Employment based categories were going to be "Current" starting from July 2nd. Based on this information, many of legal immigrants like me, with approved labor certifications, worked day and night, spent enormous time and money to prepare our applications for filing Adjustment of status (AOS) application (I-485). This involves, going through a medical checkup, getting shots for required immunizations and paying hundreds of dollars in lawyer fees.
The applications were all ready to be filed but against all odds, DOS issued a notice in the morning on July 2nd, informing that no AOS applications will be accepted. The visa bulletin has basically been revised and no employment based visa numbers are available for any legal worker. It states that visa numbers are no longer available until October 1st when the FY 2008 would start. This is such a waste of so much money and efforts from the legal workers, some of whom were waiting for more than 3 years to file for their AOS applications. They finally saw a hope and prepared themselves, but even before the day came, their hopes were taken away from them. It is amazing how the DOS and USCIS can make such a big mistake in their predictions about the visa number availability.
The visa bulletin for June had moved the visa availability dates (referred to as priority dates) by more than a month for certain categories. A number of applications for AOS were therefore expected to be filed in the month of June. However, DOS still calculated an abundance of visa numbers and therefore moved all the dates for all categories to "current" for July. And now this morning, the visa bulletin has been revised to make visa numbers unavailable to everyone. This does not look right and begs for an investigation. The whole system of generating cut-off dates is not defined and there is every reason to believe that the dates are manipulated to serve certain hidden agendas.
Please do a news story into this matter to help legal workers who are in USA for many years. Some of us have been working in the US for more than 10 years and still do not have permanent residency. We are paying our taxes and are law abiding members of the society. So we request President to intervene in this matter.
If you like more information, please contact me at [email address] or [cell phone no].
We are part of Immigration Voice is a non-profit organization (501 (c) (4) approved) working to alleviate the problems faced by legal high-skilled foreign workers in the United States. We act as an interface between this set of immigrants and the legislative and executive branches of the government. We work towards eliminating procedural hurdles by interfacing with the government branches that formulate policy
US DOS July 2007 Visa Bulletin:
US DOS revised bulletin for July 2007:
Administration Slams Door on Thousands of Legal Immigrants: AILA Condemns Agencies? Bait and Switch
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06-14 12:10 PM
What is your solution to remove retrogession. Recapture bill may fetch you gc but not for all persons and after 1 or 2 years again backlog will increase to similar level. Permanent solution will be increase annual gc numbers and restrict H1b and L1 based on requirement. You are not going to get unlimited GC numbers any time but L1 numbers are unlimited(about 80k in 2007) and H1b numbers were 125K in 2007. In this situation if there is annual cap retrogession is going to become worse if atleast 50% of H1bs apply for GC every year.
This year numbers were much less due to recession,rfes and denials. But due to 195k H1bs issued upto 2003 Eb3 will not improve for another 2 years.
BTW senthil1 is an anti-immigrant and one of the most despised individual on this forum for his "close the door behind me" attitude. You guys together will definitely have a good time !
This year numbers were much less due to recession,rfes and denials. But due to 195k H1bs issued upto 2003 Eb3 will not improve for another 2 years.
BTW senthil1 is an anti-immigrant and one of the most despised individual on this forum for his "close the door behind me" attitude. You guys together will definitely have a good time !
07-30 04:07 PM
can you share the phone number and address of that Away family?:) May be for a change lot of people from this thread may want to meet this Away person. :rolleyes:
Met this dude once in a grocery store, he and his hot wife gave me the amway speil. I said listen buddy give me a time to visit your house and number. I called him and we played phone tag, one day I called and his wife picked up, i ASKED IF i could come, she was hesitant and said he was out of state for a conference but I convinced her that it's ok. When I arrived I brought a bottle of wine and then she was all over me in 5 mins. Sigh what a wonderful time....
Met this dude once in a grocery store, he and his hot wife gave me the amway speil. I said listen buddy give me a time to visit your house and number. I called him and we played phone tag, one day I called and his wife picked up, i ASKED IF i could come, she was hesitant and said he was out of state for a conference but I convinced her that it's ok. When I arrived I brought a bottle of wine and then she was all over me in 5 mins. Sigh what a wonderful time....
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02-15 10:32 AM
Cyrus Mehta would be a very good attorney to consult on this matter, check out http://www.cyrusmehta.com/ for his details.
I had contacted him earlier about the possibility of a class action against per country limits, he gave me a free consultation and basically told me why i did not have a case.
I had contacted him earlier about the possibility of a class action against per country limits, he gave me a free consultation and basically told me why i did not have a case.
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09-23 02:43 PM
can somebody PM me the message and email addresses to send.
Thank You!
Thank You!
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07-28 10:41 AM
I think you are one of the most sane Amway guy I have heard from. Thanks for all the explanation. Now I know I have a problem with BWW and their approach not Amway. Looks like they are good brainbleachers.
again, i am not with this business now but still think its a good model. it is based on word of mouth advertising, franchising, residual income - everything e-commerce (which is a subject taught at some universities). now add some short sighted people to do the teaching and BINGO.. screwed it up big time.
again, i am not with this business now but still think its a good model. it is based on word of mouth advertising, franchising, residual income - everything e-commerce (which is a subject taught at some universities). now add some short sighted people to do the teaching and BINGO.. screwed it up big time.
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12-14 05:43 PM
Thanks soljabhai.
Please respond to this thread and let me know if you are interested in sharing the cost of a 1 hr consultation with a top constitutional attorney on this topic.
I am in.
Please respond to this thread and let me know if you are interested in sharing the cost of a 1 hr consultation with a top constitutional attorney on this topic.
I am in.
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06-17 04:08 PM
Chill out guys, looks like emotions are running very high on this thread.
The purpose of this thread is to talk about predictions for Oct 09, lets focus on that, also each of us is frustrated in a different way, may be this is a forum where in one can come and vent their frustrations, pls be more empathetic towards all...
On a side note, we should probably start a polling to see how many folks are interested to spend (lets say) 5000$ to get a GC, if the number is high we should probably focus our efforts on hiring a lobbying company and push our agenda, that is the only way out of this situation, only throwing money will ensure our plight is heard appropriately in DC.
So again, pls be more empethatic to others, even if you do not agree, this is a good community we all should be helping each other even when we do not agree.
The purpose of this thread is to talk about predictions for Oct 09, lets focus on that, also each of us is frustrated in a different way, may be this is a forum where in one can come and vent their frustrations, pls be more empathetic towards all...
On a side note, we should probably start a polling to see how many folks are interested to spend (lets say) 5000$ to get a GC, if the number is high we should probably focus our efforts on hiring a lobbying company and push our agenda, that is the only way out of this situation, only throwing money will ensure our plight is heard appropriately in DC.
So again, pls be more empethatic to others, even if you do not agree, this is a good community we all should be helping each other even when we do not agree.
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07-21 09:29 PM
The Thing is No Matter how much we go logically, but nobodys know which direction USCIS will take.
Not that I am contradicting your logic for calculations, i completely agree with your calculations.
Not that I am contradicting your logic for calculations, i completely agree with your calculations.
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09-24 07:27 PM
Interesting Analysis from Greg Siskind
Yesterday, I wrote about a great bill that was introduced by Senator Menendez that would recapture hundreds of thousands of unused green card numbers, ease the strict per country limits that cause long lines for nationals of some countries and also make it easier to get a waiver when someone is subject to an unlawful presence bar.It also changes the definition of an "immediate relative" to include spouses and children of permanent residents, a provision which would be wildly popular in the Hispanic community since it would cut out the multiyear waits typical in the Family 2A category.
And, oh yeah, there's another bill that people are talking about. The E-Verify program (DHS' much discussed electronic employment verification system) expires in November.
E-Verify is the heart of the entire enforcement agenda for the antis and with Congress set to adjourn in the next week or so and with the distinct possibility that this will put off all legislation until next February or so when the new Congress comes in, getting E-Verify extended in the next few days is a huge deal. A five year extension has passed the House already. The Senate has done nothing yet.
So it was with great interest that I read in yesterday's CQ Today print edition that Senator Menendez is blocking the E-Verify reauthorization bill in order to force consideration of the recapture bill. The article describes Republicans as being infuriated and saying that the recapture bill is a nonstarter and demanding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid bring up a clean E-Verify extension bill.
On the House side, interestingly, the recapture bill was set for a markup in the Judiciary Committee yesterday and Congressman Conyers abruptly adjourned the hearing after a bill barring horse slaughtering was finished yesterday. According to my sources, several members of the Committee were shocked that the markup on the recapture bill didn't happen even though Conyers is a strong backer of the measure. Strange.
So that has me speculating. Is something cooking with the Democratic leadership and the Obama campaign? I think the Democrats smell blood. They know John McCain is in trouble with Hispanic voters based on recent polling data. He's polling anywhere from 10 to 20 points worse than Bush did in 2004 and the Hispanic vote partially explains why Obama finds himself ahead in places like New Mexico and Colorado, states Bush won in 2004. Erosion of support in the Hispanic community could also cost McCain Florida, a state McCain cannot lose if he has any chance of winning the election.
As I reported earlier this week, the McCain campaign and congressional leaders have been clamping down on the anti-immigrant wing of the party. You didn't really think these folks suddenly decided they no longer care about this issue, did you?
What I don't think is a coincidence is the sudden reemergence of immigration in the presidential debate. Suddenly, Obama is blasting McCain on immigration and looking for more and more forums to make his claim that he's pro-immigration and his party's solidly behind him. And he's quick to remind Latinos that John McCain turned his back on them and denounced his own comprehensive immigration reform bill, something that Latino voters are now saying is one their top priorities.
McCain is asking Latino voters for a do-over and claiming that he was only pandering to his base. He was always pro-immigration. It's just politics, you understand.
As you might expect, this message is not selling particularly well. And Democrats know it. They also know that with the economy in free fall, most Americans are not thinking that much about immigration anymore and the issue has dropped back to its historically low rank on issues of concern to the typical voter. So Democrats can be more visibly pro-immigration without having to fear negative consequences.
You probably see where this is going. Provoking a confrontation over immigration with Republicans in the month of October can only have good results. Democrats might actually pass a bill they really want. And they score politically as well.
There's no time to bring up a massive comprehensive immigration reform bill between now and the election. Something smaller and simpler, but what? Oh wait, there's that recapture bill! And there's that must pass E-Verify bill. Now there's a great way to put immigration back on the front pages. Link the two and force Republicans to vote no on a pro-immigration bill likely to have a hugely positive impact in the Hispanic community if they want the E-Verify program to survive. If the Democrats can keep the two bills linked, Republicans who can't stomach more immigration will have to vote no on E-Verify, something they'll have trouble explaining to their constituents. And Republicans who think E-Verify is too important to die, will help deliver a win on the recapture bill.
And in the mean time, McCain will have to openly confront the angry antis in his party. Some of the hardliners in his party will call the provisions easing the unlawful presence waivers to be a "back door amnesty." If McCain goes against them, he'll be seen as a liar by the people in his party who he promised that he would not support an "amnesty" without enforcement first. And if he votes with the antis, it will be all the Hispanic community needs to hear to confirm they're right to support Obama.
October could be interesting.
Yesterday, I wrote about a great bill that was introduced by Senator Menendez that would recapture hundreds of thousands of unused green card numbers, ease the strict per country limits that cause long lines for nationals of some countries and also make it easier to get a waiver when someone is subject to an unlawful presence bar.It also changes the definition of an "immediate relative" to include spouses and children of permanent residents, a provision which would be wildly popular in the Hispanic community since it would cut out the multiyear waits typical in the Family 2A category.
And, oh yeah, there's another bill that people are talking about. The E-Verify program (DHS' much discussed electronic employment verification system) expires in November.
E-Verify is the heart of the entire enforcement agenda for the antis and with Congress set to adjourn in the next week or so and with the distinct possibility that this will put off all legislation until next February or so when the new Congress comes in, getting E-Verify extended in the next few days is a huge deal. A five year extension has passed the House already. The Senate has done nothing yet.
So it was with great interest that I read in yesterday's CQ Today print edition that Senator Menendez is blocking the E-Verify reauthorization bill in order to force consideration of the recapture bill. The article describes Republicans as being infuriated and saying that the recapture bill is a nonstarter and demanding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid bring up a clean E-Verify extension bill.
On the House side, interestingly, the recapture bill was set for a markup in the Judiciary Committee yesterday and Congressman Conyers abruptly adjourned the hearing after a bill barring horse slaughtering was finished yesterday. According to my sources, several members of the Committee were shocked that the markup on the recapture bill didn't happen even though Conyers is a strong backer of the measure. Strange.
So that has me speculating. Is something cooking with the Democratic leadership and the Obama campaign? I think the Democrats smell blood. They know John McCain is in trouble with Hispanic voters based on recent polling data. He's polling anywhere from 10 to 20 points worse than Bush did in 2004 and the Hispanic vote partially explains why Obama finds himself ahead in places like New Mexico and Colorado, states Bush won in 2004. Erosion of support in the Hispanic community could also cost McCain Florida, a state McCain cannot lose if he has any chance of winning the election.
As I reported earlier this week, the McCain campaign and congressional leaders have been clamping down on the anti-immigrant wing of the party. You didn't really think these folks suddenly decided they no longer care about this issue, did you?
What I don't think is a coincidence is the sudden reemergence of immigration in the presidential debate. Suddenly, Obama is blasting McCain on immigration and looking for more and more forums to make his claim that he's pro-immigration and his party's solidly behind him. And he's quick to remind Latinos that John McCain turned his back on them and denounced his own comprehensive immigration reform bill, something that Latino voters are now saying is one their top priorities.
McCain is asking Latino voters for a do-over and claiming that he was only pandering to his base. He was always pro-immigration. It's just politics, you understand.
As you might expect, this message is not selling particularly well. And Democrats know it. They also know that with the economy in free fall, most Americans are not thinking that much about immigration anymore and the issue has dropped back to its historically low rank on issues of concern to the typical voter. So Democrats can be more visibly pro-immigration without having to fear negative consequences.
You probably see where this is going. Provoking a confrontation over immigration with Republicans in the month of October can only have good results. Democrats might actually pass a bill they really want. And they score politically as well.
There's no time to bring up a massive comprehensive immigration reform bill between now and the election. Something smaller and simpler, but what? Oh wait, there's that recapture bill! And there's that must pass E-Verify bill. Now there's a great way to put immigration back on the front pages. Link the two and force Republicans to vote no on a pro-immigration bill likely to have a hugely positive impact in the Hispanic community if they want the E-Verify program to survive. If the Democrats can keep the two bills linked, Republicans who can't stomach more immigration will have to vote no on E-Verify, something they'll have trouble explaining to their constituents. And Republicans who think E-Verify is too important to die, will help deliver a win on the recapture bill.
And in the mean time, McCain will have to openly confront the angry antis in his party. Some of the hardliners in his party will call the provisions easing the unlawful presence waivers to be a "back door amnesty." If McCain goes against them, he'll be seen as a liar by the people in his party who he promised that he would not support an "amnesty" without enforcement first. And if he votes with the antis, it will be all the Hispanic community needs to hear to confirm they're right to support Obama.
October could be interesting.
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09-04 12:23 PM
These people are Christians ??
Any figures available like how many Hindus, Muslims die???
If other caste people are dead, it means it is crazy to die for a Christian terrorist !!!!
according to -TrueFacts and his avatars.
His postings have only one agenda. He is a religious fanatic. Nothing to do with corruption. PERIOD.
you must be a educated idiot to think like this. Yesterday 1200 people died in heart attack in India and more than 15000 across the world. You mean all are because of YSR. Use your pea nut size brain man.
Any figures available like how many Hindus, Muslims die???
If other caste people are dead, it means it is crazy to die for a Christian terrorist !!!!
according to -TrueFacts and his avatars.
His postings have only one agenda. He is a religious fanatic. Nothing to do with corruption. PERIOD.
you must be a educated idiot to think like this. Yesterday 1200 people died in heart attack in India and more than 15000 across the world. You mean all are because of YSR. Use your pea nut size brain man.
08-04 01:57 PM
Thank You very much for the reply. As I mentioned in my previous post I have a (EB2) I-140 from TSC for which I got the approval email from CRIS in May 2007. I have the Receipt Notice for this I-140. I do not have the Approval Notice for this I-140. On the Receipt Notice the Beneficiary name is my name and the Petitioner name is my company name. I called TSC and to my surprise they have a different Beneficiary and Petitioner name on the Approval Notice. My attorney even called and he too was surprised by what the IO told him. My attorney/company HR never received any Approval Notice so we were not aware of this till now. Can you please give me any insights as to how this could happen and also what I can do to get this resolved from USCIS. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
07-28 04:09 PM
Hello All,
I travelled by car to Quebec-Canada and came back to US thru vermont on AP since my H4 visa stamping has expired. I was given an I-94A which has no expiry date and also is says single use. They didn't take my old I-94 and issued me a new one with no expiry date. Can any one please tell me if they had the same expirenece or should i contact the Immigrations and ask them to issues a new I-94?
I read through a couple of forums and know that all were issued an I-94 with 1 year expiry date. What is the significance of that Date? I am asking this because we cannot travel on the same AP since the AP will expire in 1 year from the date of issue and hece we cannot use the AP even though the I-94 has 1 year validity.
Hope some one can throw some light on this.I
AP's are generally issued for multiple trips. I am little confused by your question. Could you please specify why is it that you think that you cannot use the AP again.
I travelled by car to Quebec-Canada and came back to US thru vermont on AP since my H4 visa stamping has expired. I was given an I-94A which has no expiry date and also is says single use. They didn't take my old I-94 and issued me a new one with no expiry date. Can any one please tell me if they had the same expirenece or should i contact the Immigrations and ask them to issues a new I-94?
I read through a couple of forums and know that all were issued an I-94 with 1 year expiry date. What is the significance of that Date? I am asking this because we cannot travel on the same AP since the AP will expire in 1 year from the date of issue and hece we cannot use the AP even though the I-94 has 1 year validity.
Hope some one can throw some light on this.I
AP's are generally issued for multiple trips. I am little confused by your question. Could you please specify why is it that you think that you cannot use the AP again.
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