Thursday, June 23, 2011

BMW Powerful Exploration

BMW Powerful Exploration for the Explanation of the Future
BMW Powerful Exploration for the Explanation of the Future
BMW Powerful Exploration for the Explanation of the Future
BMW Powerful Exploration for the Explanation of the Future
BMW Powerful Exploration for the Explanation of the Future
BMW Powerful Exploration for the Explanation of the Future
BMW Powerful Exploration for the Explanation of the Future
BMW Powerful Exploration for the Explanation of the Future

BMW desires to convert your car key into a widespread accession device applying near-field communications (NFC) technology.
In a paper issued on its web site, BMW spelt out programs to permit people to tailor-make their electronic car keys to permit the driver to disburse for goods, to book and disburse for journey on trains, to adjust radios, and even to reserve and open hotel rooms.
Thomas Kratz of BMW development access and authentication systems division remarked �Our vision is that, in future, the key will not only mean access to the car but, inside and outside the car, will become as it were the �key� to many functions. I would then be able to set out while checking for just one thing: have I got my BMW key on me?�
NFC is a RFID-based (radio frequency identification) wireless messages technology that does work at series of under 10cm. It requires temporarily accommodating two NFC-enabled devices close as one to set in motion the related reaction. The highest data transfer rate is at present 424kbps.
Future application programs include substitution of the house key or other contact systems such as card readers. It could memory access authority to the workplace and thus get relief from the company ID card, BMW said.


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